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Parese Ita buka: real
  • Timor Post: PD ready to sit as opposition: PD deputy secretary-general, 11 Jullu 2012 [1] Angola...
    10 KB (liafuan 320) - 22h46min de 29 de Setembru de 2022
  • Miniatura para Forcas Defensa Timor Lorosa'e
    providing security in East Timor until the Timorese security forces are ready to resume this responsibility. The United Nations Integrated Mission in...
    45 KB (liafuan 5 109) - 01h06min de 4 de Abríl de 2024
  • servisu Google. Android mak populár ho empreza teknolojia ne ' ebé ezije ready-made, kustu ki'ik no customizable operasaun sistema ida ba devices tech...
    108 KB (liafuan 14 407) - 04h22min de 3 de Janeiru de 2023