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Diskusaun Uza-na'in:Fidelis Raimundo Belo Gusmao

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mak ne brow Kria hospost no sharing printer ho program conectyfiti Perankat no software ne,ebe ita uja mak:  Operasi system nebe ita uja mak windows 7  Uja program conectifity  Prepara leptop rua ba leten(ida ba server no selu-ba client)  Laptop nebe ita uja tenke iha wireless Maneira atu halo(iha laptop nebe atu sai server)  Instal program conectyfiti  Halao program conectifity hanesan tuir mai ne’e: • Halo naran hostpost(komforme) • Halo password maisu menus karakter 8. • Husik setingan koneksi nafatin otomatis • Klik star hospost • Hein koneksaun ho laptop client. • Computer nebe atu sai hospost .wifi tenke ser aktivo Maneira atu halo koneksaun laptop client ho server :  Halo moris computer client  Halo aktivo wifi  Klik icon koneksaun wifi iha soring  Se liga ona hospost bele halo konect Maneira atu halo setingan  Pastikan wifi no program conectifiti aktivo ona  Iha laptop server halo maneira tuir mai ne’e: a..Hili control panel • Hili network and sharing center • Tenke hili home work b.Hili change advanced sharing seting muda ba posisi on (turn on file and printer sharing) c.Depois klik save changes d. • Tama ba menu home group • Se iha hakerek (the homegroup is not available because you’re not connected to home network)entaun klik (connect to and existing network) e. • Iha this computer belongs to home group • share libraries and printer fo tanda (iha priter no selu- seluk) f.pili save change iha hakerek(There is currency no homegroup on the network) • klik iha create a home group tanda ba folder nebe ita atu share • klik next i.hein depois mosu password j. klik finis leptop client • leptop tenke halo ligasaun ba perankat wifi iha hospost • iha parte share other computers running windows 7 • klik join naw • klik next • depois hatama password • klik next • ikus mosu mensagen ida you have joined the home group klik aja FINISH • depois buka file nebe atu print • hili printer nebe iha ou klik printer

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