Religiões tradicionais africanas

Maioria relijiaun afrikna sira, dala barak iha nia ezistésia, trasmiti liu husi ibun ba ibun (envezde liu husi hakerek). Nune’e. peritu linguístiku sira hanesan Christopher Ehret, e Placide Tempels aplika iha sira-nia coñesimentu ba dalen atu halo fila fali opiniaun ba núkleu orijinál ba maktuir ba tradusaun hirak ne’e. Familia linguístika ba dalen afrikanu iha haat: dalen afro-asiátiku, dalen nilo-saarianu, Níger-Congo no dalen khoisan sira.
klasifikasaun no estatístika sira
[edita] hanaran "religiões tradicionais africanas e da diáspora" hanesan "grupu boot relijiozu", ho estimativa ba maktuir sira mak hamutuk millhoens 10. Sira justifika katak listagem ba kombinasaun ba relijiaun afrikana no diáspora afrikana, nune’e mós ba separasaun ba kategoria genérika "indígina-primitiva sira" hodi hatutan de’it katak relijiaun ba "indígina-primitiva sira" fahe esensialmente ba tribu no forma husi povu pré-teknolójiku.
Tradisaun ba regiaun ida-idak iha África
[edita]- Norte da África
- Mitoloja berbere
- Mitolojia Egípcia
[edita]- Mbiti, John (1990) [1969]. African Religions and Philosophy. [S.l.]: African Writers Series, Heinemann. ISBN 0-435-89591-5
- Wade Abimbola, ed. and trans. Ifa Divination Poetry (New York: NOK, 1977).
- Ulli Beier, ed. The Origins of Life and Death: African Creation Myths (London: Heinemann, 1966).
- Herbert Cole, Mbari: Art and Life among the Owerri Igbo (Bloomington: Indiana University press, 1982).
- J. B. Danquah, The Akan Doctrine of God: A Fragment of Gold Coast Ethics and Religion, second edition (London: Cass, 1968).
- Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dietterlen, Le Mythe Cosmogonique (Paris: Institut d'Ethnologie, 1965).
- Rems Nna Umeasigbu, The Way We Lived: Ibo Customs and Stories (London: Heinemann, 1969).
- Sandra Barnes, África's Ogun: Old World and New (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1989).
- Segun Gbadagesin, African Philosophy: Traditional Yoruba Philosophy and Conteporary African Realities (New York: Peter Lang, 1999).
- Judith Gleason, Oya, in Praise of an African Goddess (Harper Collins, 1992).
- Bolaji Idowu, God in Yoruba Belief (Plainview: Original Publications, rev. and enlarged ed., 1995)
- Wole Soyinka, Myth, Literature and the African World (Cambridge University Press, 1976).
- S. Solagbade Popoola, Ikunle Abiyamo: It is on Bent Knees that I gave Birth (2007 Asefin Media Publication)
- <Chidester, David "Religions of South Africa" pp. 17-19>
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